pink vintage

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Perry is 5 months!

Happy 5 months to our sweet baby girl!

How is it possible that Perry is already 5 months old?!  I cannot even remember our life before her.  She is the best!

Perry's feet are constantly kicking (if they aren't in her hands or mouth)!  She is definitely a mover and a shaker, our little wiggle worm.

When rocking her to sleep, Perry's little top arm just flails all about!  I know when she is asleep when her arm stops moving.  It is so cute.  We have been scratched and slapped in the face so many times - totally worth it. :)

She started blowing raspberries, and it is just about the cutest thing ever.  She focuses so hard, furrowing her brows, and sometimes her face turns red because she is blowing so hard.  I love watching her discover new tricks!

She has become a side sleeper, and sometimes a tummy sleeper.  She immediately rolls to her side when we lay her in her crib.  It's adorable!

We love her little smile when we get her after she wakes up in the mornings or from a nap.  She is SO happy to see us!

Perry likes to grab our faces and hands.  She is fascinated by them.  She is rolling over both ways, and now we cannot leave her alone for more than 5 seconds or she will be on the other side of the room!

Perry is, and always has been, extremely observant of her surroundings, and I love watching her take it all in!

Eating and sleeping:  Perry is still on her reflux medicine and eats about every 3-3.5 hours.  Her day starts between 6:30 and 7, and she goes to bed around 7:30 most nights.  She is taking much shorter naps lately (unless we hold her to "finish" her nap), and her nighttime sleep is all over the place.  Some nights she sleeps all the way through the night for 11 hours straight, and other nights she wakes up 10 times.  We have decided to embrace the rough nights because she is only little once.  John said he likes going in there in the middle of the night because then he knows she is ok - and it melted my heart. :)

It is an absolute JOY to be your parents, Perry Frances!  We love you!