pink vintage

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Perry Frances is 18-months old!

Perry Frances turned 18 months old on December 30th! 
Official stats:

Weight:  25 lbs. 11.5 oz. (84%)
Height:  35.25 in. (99%)
Head:  19.5 in. (99%)
This is such a fun age for us!  She is starting to test us just a little bit (like climbing on things she knows she’s not supposed to), but we really don’t have to discipline yet.  It’s the perfect little age pocket!

She is miss independent, on the move, and curious about everything!  She looooooves being near her mommy and daddy and hates when either of us leaves the room.
Perry is still such an easy sleeper.  Our naptime and bedtime routine is so simple – read a couple books, say a prayer, and lay her in bed.  She loves going to bed, so it’s just never a problem!  I realize how lucky we are!  She’ll nap for about 2 hours and sleep from about 8pm until 7 or 7:30am.  When we say it’s time for night night, she will wave and say “bye” to all of her toys.  Hah!

She says “no” now!  Which you would think could be annoying, but her little voice is so cute and innocent when she says it.  She will answer us “yes” or “no”, and usually means it.  This is quite helpful!
She loooooooooves her baby dolls and anything baby-related!  She also loves her doll house, and it’s the first thing she wants to play with in the morning.
She loves to eat!  She is asking for food all day long.  You’d think we never feed her!
She has started reaching for her diaper and saying “poo poo” when she has gone #2.  I am hoping this might indicate she could be on the early side of potty training.  Could be wishful thinking, but we’ll see!

She is Chatty Cathy!  This is nothing new, but she has learned so many new words lately.  She is repeating us constantly and just has a lot to say!  Her latest favorite words are “da-cook” (jacket), “appa das” (applejacks), “back” (when she wants you to put something back, like your jacket when you walk inside), “ug me” (hug me), all the animal sounds, “weeeeeeee” (when she is swinging or wants to swing), “wow!”, “bappies” (pacifier), and “uh oh”.

After every song I sing her, she claps and says "yay!"...this makes me feel really great about myself. :)
She also says “work” and “ome” (home) a lot.  All day, she will list random family members and then say “work” or “ome” afterwards, indicating where they are.  It’s adorable!  For example, she will say “Poppies…work” or “Daddy…work”.  She is also obsessed with her friend Aria and often says “Arie…ome”.

Perry is very friendly to everyone!  She is constantly waving and saying “hi” to strangers as we stroll through the grocery store. :)
Perry loves music so much!  It can be the quietest music ever (like in a store or something) and she hears it and starts dancing!

We love you so much, Perry Frances!  You are the light of our lives!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Christmas recap

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

I wrote a very thorough Christmas post last night, but then it got deleted (ugh), so this will be an abbreviated version.  

This was our year to go to Milwaukee for Christmas, so we spent an early Christmas with my family at our house the Sunday before.  We kept it simple, ordered takeout, and just hung out!  We did Secret Santa this year with the adults and adult kids in our family, so John and I opened our gifts from our Secret Santas – mine was Dad, and John’s was Chris. :)

Santa came to our house that Sunday morning, as well!  Since we were leaving the following Friday, we decided to give Perry her gifts on Sunday.  She got a kitchen and accessories to go with it!  We also got her a couple of other small things. 

My parents stayed with us that entire week leading up to Christmas (thanks, Harvey, for giving us extra time with them!).  My mom was off school, so she hung out with Perry and I during the days.  Thank goodness she was there because both Perry and I were very sick for a couple days.  Boo.  Anyway, that Thursday evening, my parents gave us and Perry our gifts!  Perry had fun opening gifts this year!

Friday morning we left for Milwaukee!  Perry did ok on the flight.  It’s not that she fusses the entire time or anything like that, but she is just SO BUSY and NON-STOP that it’s just so hard to contain her, despite all of the toys and snacks we brought with us.  But we made it!  On Christmas Eve we went to church at 4:00, and then the whole family came over for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and desserts.  We opened gifts on Christmas morning.  Santa brought Perry a baby grand piano (thank you, Ama and Papa!) and a stocking.  We stayed in our jammies most of the day, and enjoyed a nice Christmas dinner that evening! 

Highlights from the rest of our trip include a trip to the Children’s Museum, dinner with friends, playtime at a cute play cafĂ©, girls night out for dinner and Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert (one of my awesome Christmas gifts!), movie nights, SNOW, and more!

My sweet baby wasn't feeling well, and she fell asleep on her mama. She hasn't done that in 6 months! I loved it!

It certainly was a Merry Christmas!!

Monday, January 1, 2018

New York, New York!

Back in early December, we surprised my mom with a trip to NYC for her 60th birthday!!  We had never done a trip just the three of us, and we have always talked about going to New York at Christmas.  What better time than now?!  It was crazy crowded everywhere, but we had the best time doing all the Christmassy things we wanted to do!

On Day 1, we got to New York around 3:30, caught a cab, and got to our hotel around 5:30.  We walked to the Rockfeller Christmas Tree, then stopped at Dylan's Candy Bar on our way to our dinner reservations at Serendipity!  I loved Serendipity - the decorations were adorable and the food was delicious!

Day 2 began with brunch at The Boathouse in Central Park.  Beautiful view and delicious food!  Then we caught a cab to Bryant Park for some ice skating.  Brittany and I only lasted about 5 laps around the rink, haha!  There was also a cute winter village with various vendors set up around the park.  We had tickets for Jersey Boys at 2, so we made our way to Times Square area and stopped at Magnolia Bakery along the way!  Jersey Boys was amazing!  It was Off-Broadway, so even though we were in the very back row (we got last minute tickets), we were still close enough to see facial expressions and all.  Off-Broadway is the way to go!  Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel for a short rest before heading to dinner at Max Brenners.  We were all pretty exhausted and not feeling well, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed.

We grabbed breakfast at the hotel on Day 3, and headed to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular!  The show was amazing and full of Christmas cheer!!  We loved it.  After the show, we walked to The Plaza hotel.  We had reservations for afternoon tea, but we were early, so we just walked around the shops below the hotel and shopped at the Eloise store :)  Afternoon tea was so fun.  We felt so fancy sipping our tea and eating our sandwiches in one of the most famous hotels in the world!  After having tea, we wanted to take a carriage ride around Central Park.  The line for the carriages was an hour, so we were convinced (by our precious driver, Ross) to hop in a Pedi Cab instead.  It ended up being really fun, despite the freezing cold, and Ross was cracking us up!  We had reservations that night, but we opted out and decided to grab an early pizza dinner at Lombardi's instead.  Yum!  Then we watched Elf in the hotel room and called it a night.

We left on Day 4, but we grabbed breakfast at Sarabeth's before heading to the airport.

We had such a fun trip and made mother-daughter memories that will last a lifetime!  Happy early 60th, Mom!!!