Perry Frances turned 18 months old on December 30th!
Official stats:
Weight: 25 lbs. 11.5 oz. (84%)
Height: 35.25 in. (99%)
Head: 19.5 in. (99%)
This is such a fun age for us! She is starting to test us just a little bit
(like climbing on things she knows she’s not supposed to), but we really don’t
have to discipline yet. It’s the perfect
little age pocket!
She is miss independent, on the move, and curious about everything! She looooooves being near her mommy and daddy
and hates when either of us leaves the room.
Perry is still such an easy sleeper. Our naptime and bedtime routine is so simple –
read a couple books, say a prayer, and lay her in bed. She loves going to bed, so it’s just never a
problem! I realize how lucky we
are! She’ll nap for about 2 hours and
sleep from about 8pm until 7 or 7:30am. When
we say it’s time for night night, she will wave and say “bye” to all of her
toys. Hah!
She says “no” now!
Which you would think could be annoying, but her little voice is so cute
and innocent when she says it. She will
answer us “yes” or “no”, and usually means it.
This is quite helpful!
She loooooooooves her baby dolls and anything baby-related! She also loves her doll house, and it’s the
first thing she wants to play with in the morning.
She loves to eat! She
is asking for food all day long. You’d
think we never feed her!
She has started reaching for her diaper and saying “poo poo”
when she has gone #2. I am hoping this
might indicate she could be on the early side of potty training. Could be wishful thinking, but we’ll see!
She is Chatty Cathy!
This is nothing new, but she has learned so many new words lately. She is repeating us constantly and just has a
lot to say! Her latest favorite words
are “da-cook” (jacket), “appa das” (applejacks), “back” (when she wants you to
put something back, like your jacket when you walk inside), “ug me” (hug me), all
the animal sounds, “weeeeeeee” (when she is swinging or wants to swing), “wow!”,
“bappies” (pacifier), and “uh oh”.
After every song I sing her, she claps and says "yay!"...this makes me feel really great about myself. :)
After every song I sing her, she claps and says "yay!"...this makes me feel really great about myself. :)
She also says “work” and “ome” (home) a lot. All day, she will list random family members
and then say “work” or “ome” afterwards, indicating where they are. It’s adorable! For example, she will say “Poppies…work” or “Daddy…work”. She is also obsessed with her friend Aria and
often says “Arie…ome”.
Perry is very friendly to everyone! She is constantly waving and saying “hi” to
strangers as we stroll through the grocery store. :)
Perry loves music so much!
It can be the quietest music ever (like in a store or something) and she
hears it and starts dancing!
We love you so much, Perry Frances! You are the light of our lives!