pink vintage

Friday, August 24, 2018

Luke is 1 month old!

Luke Robert is one month old today, and we couldn’t imagine our family without him in it! He’s the sweetest little addition :)

Luke weighs 12 pounds exactly.  He is gaining weight like crazy!  He is mostly wearing 0-3 month clothes, and is in size 1 diapers.  

Luke is a pretty calm baby.  The first three weeks of his life, we hardly ever heard him cry!  He just slept and ate, which I guess is pretty typical for newborns.  He isn't really a big fan of the swing or bouncer.  He is happiest while being snuggled and held!  This part is a bit challenging while chasing and entertaining a toddler.  Thankfully, he loves the Ergo carrier (which we inherited from my sister - thanks, Britt!), so he spends some time in that most days.  He’s not a huge fan of the car seat.  He usually cries for a while, but eventually will fall asleep and stay asleep when we get home, so this has also been a trick we’ve used for naps.

We are not on any sort of schedule, which is driving me slightly nuts (ok, very nuts).  But I understand that’s part of having a newborn, and we’ll eventually get there!  Luke is eating anywhere from 2-3 hours.  Nursing is going so much better with him than it did with Perry, and I am so thankful for that!  He is sleeping in the Snuggle Me in our bed. I think we’ll transition to the pack-n-play sometime soon.  He’s been sleeping from about 9-2 the last few nights, which is nice!  He’s been waking up to eat around 2 and 5, then has a hard time going back to sleep after that. He doesn’t really like being swaddled.  We have been peed and pooped on so many times already!  This is one difference we’ve noticed between boys and girls, haha!  Perry looooooves her "baby Luke" and wants to be next to him constantly.  When he cries, she pats his little chest and says "It's ok, baby Luke!".  Luke isn't quite sure how he feels about big sister yet. ;)

This month has been wonderful, challenging, and surprisingly not as exhausting as expected!  We are quickly adjusting to being a family of four, and all of us are in love with our “baby Luke”!

These are some of my favorite pictures from the last month.

First bath at home

First bath at home

First bath at home

We love you SO much, Luke Robert!!!