Luke Robert is ONE YEAR OLD!
Weight: 21 lb. 5 oz. (51%)
Height: 30.25 in. (67%)
Head: 18.75 in. (89%)
These stats confuse me because we are supposed to have big babies in this family?!?!
I feel like this was the fastest year of my life. In some ways it feels like a blur. In other ways, I feel like I soaked up and enjoyed the baby stage more the second time around. I really don't remember what our daily life looked like before Luke! We are all obsessed with him!
* He is so easygoing. He falls without blinking an eye. He plays independently all the time. He just goes with the flow in true second child form!
* He still doesn't say any words, but it will happen on his own time! He makes sounds and says "mamamama", but it usually doesn't mean he's talking about me. He is comprehending a lot more lately, which is fun. Still a strong, silent-type so far!
* He is cruising furniture, walking while pushing his walker, and standing on his own for several seconds at a time, but hasn't taken any steps yet. Any day he'll take off!
* He loves music so much! Whether he hears a song playing on the radio, a theme song on the tv, or mommy start humming a tune, he stops what he's doing and waves his hands around. It's the cutest.
* Balls are still his favorite toy. He is starting to like looking at books more. He loves being outside. In fact, he has started crawling to the back door and "screaming" and banging on the door. Hah! He loves Perry so much. He gets so excited to wake her up in the mornings.
* He has 8 teeth, which he has had for a few months already.
* He still takes 2 naps a day. I often cut his morning nap short, and then he'll take a long afternoon nap.
* A couple days ago, we started doing just 2 bottles a day (morning and night) and offering cows milk during the day. He seems to like it!
* His favorite foods include blueberries, cheese, pasta, meat, and eggs.
Look at this precious boy on his birth day. Cue the tears!
John was out of town on his actual birthday, so Luke opened his presents the weekend before. Here he is with his new walker!
On his birthday, Perry and I woke him up with a Happy Birthday serenade and balloons in his crib! :)
Luke watched Perry at her swim lesson, and we just played around the house.
After nap, we went to Mumsie and Popsie's house with Britt and the Sciba babies for swimming, fajitas, cake, and ice cream!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our precious baby boy! We love you to the moon and back!