pink vintage

Thursday, October 24, 2019


It's not fall until you force your kids to sit in a pumpkin patch! :)

It finally feels like fall in Texas, and we're all about it!

15 months

My sweet, precious Luke Robert is 15 months old!

Weight:  21 lb. 15 oz.  (38%)
Height:  31.75 in.  (73%)
Head:  19 in.  (87%)

Have I mentioned this is my favorite age?!  Ugh, I can't get over how cute he is.  He is learning so much and has so much personality.  He is definitely a quiet observer type.  But he can be so silly and loves to laugh, especially at Perry. :)  I think he's going to be a sensitive boy.  He gets his feelings hurt so easily!  If he doesn't get something he wants, or someone (Perry) takes something from him, he lets out the biggest pouty lip, frown faced cry you've ever seen.  Other things about Luke at 15 months:

* He's walking now!  He started walking around 13 months. 

* He is a climber!  Perry never really was, so this is new territory.  Yesterday, I found him on top of the kitchen table.  And he is always falling and hurting himself.

* He loves balls.  No, like he really loves balls!  He is always walking around the house holding something that resembles a bat and a ball, saying "Ba!".  

* In fact, I would consider "ba" (ball) was his first word!  He also says "ba" for bath, "mo" (more), "nana" (snack and banana),  "ah" (hat), and "ma" (milk).  He only says "mamamama" when he is crying or upset, but still doesn't really say "mama" or "dada".  What's that about?! 

* He is getting so smart and will follow commands now.  For example, "go put that in the trash can" and "put the toy back in the basket".  It's so fun because you know they're just watching you so closely and learning what to do!  How cool is that!

* He sleeps from about 7:30-7 and takes one nap from about 12-2.  We had to move him to one nap because of Perry's preschool schedule, but he is doing fine with it!  It also makes it easier to get out and do things in the morning. 

* He LOVES being outside and will get so upset when we have to come in.

* He loves grapes, bananas, cheese, any carb snack (ha!), pasta, and will tolerate broccoli  and meat pretty well.  He is definitely starting to get pickier!  

* He finally loves to look at books.  Some of his favorites include Dear Zoo, Goodnight Little One, Goodnight Houston, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear.

* He is generally a grumpy waker-upper, except when Perry comes in his room with me.  Then he is happy as can be!

*  He looks more like his mama!  This makes me secretly happy since Perry is daddy's mini.

We love and adore you, sweet Lukey!!!