pink vintage

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Easter 2020

Easter looked a little bit different this year, but Covid couldn't keep us from celebrating our Savior!  Christ is risen!

The Easter bunny came to our house...

We had an Easter egg hunt...

And made bunny pancakes for breakfast.

We watched church online together, and then I made the kids get dressed up in their Sunday best to take photos!  Luke is wearing Thomas' old first birthday outfit (it was a little small on him, but he still looked absolutely precious).  He would only take pictures if he wore his new rain boots.  He won that argument!  Ha!

Mumsie and Popsie stopped by with some Easter goodies and social distanced with us for a little bit!


5 things about my 2 babies

I wanted to document some random things about my babies in this stage...

Perry at 3.5 years old (almost 4 - eek):

* She loves crafts!  We craft a LOT.  Give the girl some paint, markers, crayons, stickers, glue, and any other crafty accessory, and she's in her happy place!  We laugh because anytime we don't have something she wants, she always says "we can make one!" :)

* She is a girly girl through and through.  Pink and purple, sparkles, twirly dresses, fancy things, unicorns, butterflies, and rainbows, oh my! 

* She is extremely particular about her clothes.  We fight about clothes a lot.  She pretty much ONLY wants to wear dresses, which is usually fine!  But then she still finds something wrong with most of her clothes.  The skirt is not twirly enough, the colors are not girly enough, the skirt "isn't right", it's not fancy enough, etc.

* She's a sassy one, but oh so sweet.  She's got a lot of personality for sure!  She's a threenager for sure with major attitude (trying to fix that), but she gives the best compliments.  Maybe that's called manipulation to get what she wants?  Haha.  She is always telling me I look pretty and that she likes my outfit.  She is very good at saying "thank you", telling me she likes the lunch I made her, etc.  She is usually VERY sweet to her brother!  She is always hugging and kissing him, saying "you're so cute little baby!", and "teaching" him things. ;)  But all that sweetness comes with a lot of hand-on-her-hip sass.  

* She loves performing!  She is always singing, dancing, asking us to watch a performance, etc.  She is super expressive with her facials.  I think she might be a little performer someday - we shall see!  

* Ok I'm cheating and adding a #6, but she is so smart!  I'm amazed at what she knows and the information she retains. 

Luke at 1.5 years old:

* He is seriously still OBSESSED with sports and balls!  He is actually kind of good at sports already.  I mean, as good as a 1.5 year old can be.  ;)  He knows which ball goes with which sport and what to do with it.  He will get his glove and a baseball and want to throw it with daddy.  He will get a soccer ball and say "kick a ba!".  He will get a football and demand daddy puts on his LSU helmet ("eh-met!") so they can throw and kick it.  He loves playing with his basketball hoop and hitting off his baseball tee.  He's always throwing a ball.  Always!  He's all boy!

* He loves animals!  He is not into the tv yet, but he will sit and watch Animal Planet or animal documentaries on Disney in awe.  He loves playing with his animal figurines and reading books about animals.

* We are in that "frustrating communication" stage, but he is getting better at saying more words!  He will finally wave and say "hi" and "bye".  He is starting to put two words together and will say things like "ni ni, dada!" when he's going to sleep and "muk back" (milk back) when he's done with his milk and wants to put it back in the fridge.  He says "ne ne!" when he wants you to do something again.  When I put him to sleep, I will rock him and sing him a song.  If he likes it, he will say "yaa! ne ne!".  It's so cute!

* I think he might be my little sensitive one. :)  He gets his feelings hurt very easily.  He can burst into tears if he doesn't get the snack he wants, if he gets accidentally pushed by sissy, if I yell too loud, etc.  He also doesn't like loud noises in general, like if a loud car drives by (even if it's not that loud).  I just wouldn't describe Perry as a sensitive person or baby, so this is new!

* He is a climber!  I turn my back for 5 seconds, and he's on top of the counter getting some m&m's out of the cabinet.  He's constantly climbing on things and falling.

Love my babies with all my heart!  They are SO different, and SO precious to us!