pink vintage

Friday, July 15, 2016

Perry Frances

It's a GIRL!

Perry Frances Lodde
June 30, 2016
8 pounds, 11 ounces
21 inches

We checked into the hospital on the night of June 29th to be induced on June 30th.  I was so nervous, excited, and purposefully uninformed about what was going to happen in the next 24 hours.  Since I had about 243 contraptions/monitors attached to me, had to pee every 30 minutes because of the IV, and the excitement of knowing we were about to meet our baby, I hardly slept! 

No big deal, just heading to the hospital to have a baby. :)

Last picture of "the bump"!

Last picture as a family of 2!

Chris brought John breakfast and coffee the next morning to fuel him up for what we thought would be a long day ahead.  They broke my water and started the Pitocin around 7:30-8am.  I had predicted we would have lots of downtime to read magazines, watch HGTV, and chill while waiting for the medicine to work its magic.  Who was I kidding!  Little did I know how quickly the process would go!  The contractions were much stronger than I anticipated, so I requested the epidural around 9am.  Well, they did not give me the drugs until around 10:30 or 11, at which time I had already progressed to 9 cm!  No wonder labor was so painful!!  Before I knew it, it was time to push.  It is not like the movies, as in, there is a lot of quiet downtime between pushes.  I could go into much more detail about the entire process, but here is what really matters...

At 2:07pm, after an hour and a half of pushing, I heard John utter the words "It's a girl"!  I cried tears of relief and joy and held my daughter for the first time! :)

Staring at her mommy :) Perry's eyes were open from the second she was born!

We had about a hour and a half alone with our girl (and all the nurses and doctors in the room - hah).  We called John's dad and FaceTimed with his mom to tell them that they had a granddaughter! :)  Mumsie, Popsie, Auntie Brittany, Uncle Chris, and Rhett had been very patient, so now it was their turn to find out who Perry was!! The Myers family was also there, but I didn't get a picture.

Later that evening, Uncle Pete, Uncle Thomas, and Rebecca came to meet Perry!

The next day, Reid and Georgia Kate came to meet their cousin!

Mumsie and Popsie with their 4 grandchildren! :)

A few more pictures from the hospital...

Perry Frances, we are so in love with you!!!


  1. I love this whole post!!! My very favorite picture is the one of Perry looking at you right after she was born! SO precious!!! Love all three of you!

  2. I love the picture of her looking at you too! 💗
    Perry is perfect, and we already love her so much! 🍐
