pink vintage

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Perry is TWO months old!

Perry Frances is TWO months old!  She is growing WAY too fast!

Perry had her 2-month doctor appointment a week before she turned 2 months old, and here are her growth stats:  
Weight:  12 pounds 8.5 ounces (87%)
Height:  24 inches (99%)
Head circumference:  16 inches (99%)

  • She is wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes.
  • She wears a size 1 diaper and has been since she was about 2 weeks old.
  • She eats about every 2.5-3 hours.
  • She usually goes to bed around 8 and sleeps until 1 or 2 before she wakes up to eat. She will usually go back to bed until about 4:30 to eat again, and then wakes up off and on until we get her up for the day around 6:30. Many nights one of us has to take her out to the living room to sleep with her from about 5-6:30.
  • We are experiencing the "witching hour" in a major way! Baby girl has been fussing all evening long and often will not eat before we put her down for bed because she is so upset. We are hoping she grows out of this soon. :)
  • She is on somewhat of an eating schedule, but not even close to a napping schedule. We try to maintain an eat, wake, sleep cycle, but it's not always successful. I have tried having her nap in her pack-n-play a couple of times, and she will last about 30-45 minutes. Otherwise, I pretty much hold her for naps during the day, or she will nap in the car. We are working on putting her down for naps.
  • She now sleeps in her pack-n-play at night! We made the transition from the rock-n-play about two weeks ago, and it's going well so far.
  • She has decided that she HATES bottles. I don't know what happened. I am grateful that nursing is going so much better than before, but she refuses to take a bottle now. We need to work on that. :)
  • She is still a spitter-upper and pretty much always spits up a lot after eating!!! It drives us nuts, but it doesn't seem to bother her most of the time.
  • She like bath time now!
  • She is a really good baby and hardly ever cries unless she is hungry or tired...not counting the witching hour, of course.
  • She likes pat-a-cake, when mommy sings to her, and being in the car.
  • This month she started "talking" and cooing, and it is SO adorable!

We ADORE you, Perry Frances!