pink vintage

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

SEVEN months!

Perry Frances turned SEVEN months old yesterday!  Seven sounds so much older than 6.  She is closer to ONE than she is to a newborn.  That makes this mommy heart a little sad, but we are savoring every single moment with our baby!  Sidenote: She is so wiggly that our photo shoot didn't go so well this month.  These are the best I got!

Perry is officially crawling!!  We are in trouble!  We need to start baby-proofing the house.  She loves power cords and crawling onto the concrete floors, which scares daddy.  She is also starting to pull up on things, so we have already had our first fall onto the concrete.  She can pull up onto her knees, but not her feet.  We had to lower her crib the other day because we found her leaning over the side after her nap.  Scary! 

Just yesterday, on her 7 month birthday, she starting saying "da da da da", and even though she doesn't associate it with John yet, it is still just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard (until she starts saying "ma ma ma ma", of course).  She still doesn't have any teeth, but she continues to stick EVERYTHING in her mouth.  She has become much more independent in her 7th month of life.  She is almost always happy and is content just rolling/crawling around on the floor, playing with her toys. 

She loves swinging outside, scooting around the house in her Joovy walker, and playing with My Pal Violet.  She loves it when we sing and clap.  Blowing raspberries used to just be for fun, but now it means she is unhappy (usually that she is full or bored).  She still enjoys bathtime, kicking and splashing around.  She is a spunky little thing and never stops moving!


Perry is still taking 5 bottles a day, but we are about to drop down to 4 bottles a day.  We have slowly been increasing the amount of solids she is eating, but she still isn't too interested in food quite yet.  We are trying to get in a rhythm of feeding her 3 "meals" a day.  So far she likes table food and self-feeding better than purees and spoon-feeding.  I think that's the Miss Independent in her!  She doesn't really have favorite foods yet, but she has enjoyed ground turkey, egg yolks, and sweet potatoes the best.  We have not introduced fruit yet.

She is still sleeping great at night, usually from 7:30-6.  We would like her to sleep until 6:30 or 7, but we will take an early wake-up call over middle of the night wakings!  She has been fighting her third nap big time, so we are going to slowly try transitioning her to two naps a day.

I thought this picture was funny.  Perry has figured out how to pull up on her knees in her crib, so this is how she was after a nap one day.  It looks like she is in prison!  So cute :)

We love you so much, Pear Bear!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January picture post

January was low-key for the Loddes!  There is not a whole lot to report, so I will document our month in pictures.

We officially have a sitter-upper!  Even though she was sitting last month, this month she has mastered the skill.  She is even getting close to crawling!  She pops up on all fours so fast, rocks back and forth, and has even taken a few crawling steps.  For the most part she just army crawls everywhere.  I wouldn't call her an official crawler yet. 

Perry's cousins came over for a visit!

We met Perry's new friend, Aria.  Our friends Alex and Ellen had their baby girl on January 6th.  I hope our girls have a sweet little friendship one day!

We celebrated Mumsie's and Chris's birthday!  How special it is that they share a birthday on January 19th. :)  I sadly didn't take any pictures. :(  We love these two so much!

We met Popsie at Starbucks for an afternoon treat!  My dad's new job is near our house, so I hope we get to start seeing him more during the week.

We played, we napped, and we had photo shoots.

We soaked up our January with this smiley and wiggly 6-month old!  I hope we always remember how fun and sweet this baby stage has been! 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Baby's first food!

We waited until Perry was 6 months (and 3 days) to give her food for the first time.  That was mainly a selfish decision because we didn't want to deal with potential constipation while we traveled to and from Milwaukee for the holidays.  We started with carrots.  I don't think Perry was a fan!!  But look at how cute she is! :)  

Hopefully, she'll learn to enjoy food soon!

Perry Frances is 6 months!

How can it be that my baby has been with us for an entire half year (a week ago)?!?!  She is just the best.  We had her 6 month checkup a few days ago, and here are her stats:

Weight:  17 lbs., 3 oz. (70%)
Height:  28 inches (99%)
Head:  17.5 inches (95%)

Perry is SO SMILEY!  She has started doing this funny thing where she snorts a couple of times while smiling ear to ear with little squinty eyes.  It is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!

She can sit up on her own!  We still sit right by her to catch her when she falls, but she usually sits by herself for several seconds (or more) at a time!  She has started scooting forward a bit, and she can twist herself around in circles when she is on her belly!

Perry has really found her voice this last month, even more than before!  She likes to "scream" and "talk".  She is still our little Wiggle Worm!  She is constantly moving and does not like to sit still.  She keeps us on our toes, and I can only imagine that she will be even more busy when she starts crawling and walking!  

She has been sleeping great at night (usually 7:30 pm to 6-6:30 am).  She will wake up crying once or twice, but usually either falls back asleep on her own or can be easily consoled.  I do not take that for granted!!  She takes 3 naps a day, but lengths are very inconsistent.  She is still taking bottles 5 times a day, and we just started her on solids.  See next post for details on how that went. :)

Perry Frances, you are such a JOY!  We love you!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Christmas recap!

Perry had a wonderful first Christmas!  The holiday season is even more magical as a parent!  
Christmas Eve was spent at my parents' house playing, going to church, decorating cookies, and eating yummy food and treats.   We opened gifts that evening, and Perry was spoiled with so many fun new things!  

Posing by the Christmas tree after church.

Sweet cousins with matching Christmas jammies!  Thank you, Auntie B!

Perry loved opening her gifts, and she especially loved the tissue paper. Hah!

This was my baby doll when I was a little girl.  Mumsie took her to the baby doll hospital to get all fixed up.  Such a special gift!

John was Santa's elf that evening, building a toy for little Perry. 

On Christmas Day, we enjoyed a quiet morning at home and went to Guinny's house in the afternoon.  I didn't get many pictures that day. :(

We could not find Perry's red bow anywhere, which is a tragedy when you are about to leave on a trip around Christmastime when all of the outfits are red.  My dad dug through trash, found Perry's bow, and delivered it on Christmas evening.  Best Popsie in town!

We left the next morning to spend a week with John's family for Christmas Round 2!  Perry was amazing on the airplane, despite all of my anxiety leading up to it.  We spent the week playing with the Lodde boys' "vintage" toys, visiting with family and friends, and being spoiled by John's parents.  Perry even got to see snow for the first time!  We had such a wonderful visit and look forward to many more memories in Milwaukee. 

Perry Frances with her great-grandma, Frances!

SNOW!!!!  Look how precious my little snow bunny is!

It was a JOYFUL first Christmas as a family of three!