Perry Frances turned SEVEN months old yesterday! Seven sounds so much older than 6. She is closer to ONE than she is to a newborn. That makes this mommy heart a little sad, but we are savoring every single moment with our baby! Sidenote: She is so wiggly that our photo shoot didn't go so well this month. These are the best I got!
Perry is officially crawling!! We are in trouble! We need to start baby-proofing the house. She loves power cords and crawling onto the concrete floors, which scares daddy. She is also starting to pull up on things, so we have already had our first fall onto the concrete. She can pull up onto her knees, but not her feet. We had to lower her crib the other day because we found her leaning over the side after her nap. Scary!
Just yesterday, on her 7 month birthday, she starting saying "da da da da", and even though she doesn't associate it with John yet, it is still just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard (until she starts saying "ma ma ma ma", of course). She still doesn't have any teeth, but she continues to stick EVERYTHING in her mouth. She has become much more independent in her 7th month of life. She is almost always happy and is content just rolling/crawling around on the floor, playing with her toys.
She loves swinging outside, scooting around the house in her Joovy walker, and playing with My Pal Violet. She loves it when we sing and clap. Blowing raspberries used to just be for fun, but now it means she is unhappy (usually that she is full or bored). She still enjoys bathtime, kicking and splashing around. She is a spunky little thing and never stops moving!
Perry is still taking 5 bottles a day, but we are about to drop down to 4 bottles a day. We have slowly been increasing the amount of solids she is eating, but she still isn't too interested in food quite yet. We are trying to get in a rhythm of feeding her 3 "meals" a day. So far she likes table food and self-feeding better than purees and spoon-feeding. I think that's the Miss Independent in her! She doesn't really have favorite foods yet, but she has enjoyed ground turkey, egg yolks, and sweet potatoes the best. We have not introduced fruit yet.
She is still sleeping great at night, usually from 7:30-6. We would like her to sleep until 6:30 or 7, but we will take an early wake-up call over middle of the night wakings! She has been fighting her third nap big time, so we are going to slowly try transitioning her to two naps a day.
I thought this picture was funny. Perry has figured out how to pull up on her knees in her crib, so this is how she was after a nap one day. It looks like she is in prison! So cute :)
We love you so much, Pear Bear!!!
Haha! Little Perry is so wiggly! I love her sweet little smile.