pink vintage

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


This past Sunday, we went to the Houston Rodeo!  We were looking for something to do while John's family was in town, and what is more Texan than a rode?!  We didn't go inside, but we spent a few hours outside walking around to see the animals (we almost saw a baby calf being born, but got antsy waiting and left), eating "rodeo food", and watching mutton' bustin'.  It was a bit hot, but a good time was had by all!

Perry wore this adorable dress from Grandma, and cowboy boots that were John's as a baby.  The boots didn't last long, but we had to get a picture!

Real men wear diaper bags as backpacks.

Then it was Peter's turn...

Perry was riding around the stroller with her legs straight up in the air.  It made me laugh.  So ladylike!

Baby girl was WIPED.

Grateful for family!  These boys keep me laughing!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Picture post

Since I have been terrible at remembering to blog, here is just a quick catch-up post from happenings this last month!

John and I had a lot to celebrate in February - our third anniversary, Valentine's Day, and my 31st birthday, all within 10 days!  Perry had her first sleepover alone at Mumsie and Popsie's house, so mommy and daddy could go out and celebrate! 

We have had a few days of BEAUTIFUL weather these last few weeks, so we spent some time outside at the park!

Perry is pulling up and standing on EVERYTHING.

Perry is a HOOT at meal time.  She always ends up maneuvering herself around and straddling the high chair in some odd position.  I thought these pictures were so funny!

Perry was sick some this month with a couple of colds, as well as hand, foot, and mouth disease.  That meant more snuggles with mommy!  I felt bad for my poor baby, but we LOVED all of the extra snuggle time!

And just a couple more pictures because I can't resist!

Happy spring!!! :)

Dad turns 60!

On March 4th, my dad turned the big 6-0!  We surprised him with dinner at Taste of Texas, the Escape Room, and Amy's ice cream!  It was the first time our family has had an "adults only" outing without the little ones since Reid was born almost 6 years ago.  We love the babies, but it was so nice to spend time with family without distractions. 

Amanda, one of the girls my sister and I babysat in high school and college (and a wonderful friend of ours), babysat for Perry that night.  It was a full-circle moment for me!

My dad was completely surprised!!  I'm so happy we pulled it off!

If anyone deserves a celebration, it is my dad!  He is incredibly smart, loyal, positive, hard-working, and completely content in life with what he has.  He is Mr. Fix It, an advice-giver, a listening ear.  He is a servant.  He would literally do anything for the people he loves.  He gives and never asks for anything in return.  He is the most loving daddy and Popsie we could ever dream of! 

Happy 60th birthday, dad!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Music class

Perry and I have been doing music classes on Friday mornings with my friend Crossley and her son, Corban.  We sing songs, dance, and play with instruments and bubbles and parachutes.  The teacher is precious.  It has been such a fun activity for us to do together, and it's been a great way for us to stay connected to our friends!  Corban will be one next week, so he is 3.5 months older than Perry.  Crossley is such a dear friend of mine, so these two babies will be forced into friendship because of their mammas!  So far, they don't seem to mind. :)  I took some pictures to document our class the other day:

Happy weekend!

Friday, March 3, 2017

EIGHT months!

Perry Frances is EIGHT months old!  As I always say, this has been my favorite month so far.  It just keeps getting better. :)

We happen to go to the doctor yesterday for an illness, the day before she turned eight months, so I got to see how much she weighed.  

Weight:  18 lbs., 9 oz.

Perry is crawling up a storm and pulling up into a standing position all by herself.  She makes it look a little too easy.  I am afraid we might have an early walker, but we shall see!  She still does not have any teeth, but the doctor said she felt some coming in on bottom AND top.  We can tell she has been more fussy lately, and she has been grabbing her gums a lot, so we think little teethies could pop out at any moment!  I just feel like Perry will look like a different baby when she gets teeth, and I don't know if I am quite ready for it.  But ready or not, they will come!

Perry's schedule generally looks something like this (this might be boring, but I want to remember what worked for future babies!):

Wake-up between 6:30-7
Bottle at 7
Breakfast at 8:30
Nap from 9:30-10:30 or 11
Bottle at 11
Lunch at 12:30
Nap from 2-3:30
Bottle at 3:30
Dinner at 6
Bath, Bottle, and Bed between 7-7:30

But honestly, her naps are all of the place in length.  Sometimes she sleeps for 45 minutes, and other times she sleeps for 2.5 hours.  We try to never wake a sleeping baby and adjust accordingly!

Perry is still a wiggle worm and is hard to contain!  I don't think that will be slowing down anytime soon.  Chasing her around counts as my exercise these days.  She cannot be left along even for a minute or something will be destroyed or someone will get hurt. :)  She has started giggling a little bit more, although she still isn't a huge laugher in general.  She loves it when I say "Mommy's gonna get you!" and tickle her, and she loves it when John "drops" her on our bed and tickles her.  She is starting to make more noises, but still mainly says "baba" and "dada".

She is such a good baby, and we do not take it for granted.  She is a ball of energy and a bundle of joy.  She loves most people, loves being held by mommy and daddy, and smiles with her mouth wide open.  We are so grateful for being given the blessing of her life. 

We love you, Perry Frances!