pink vintage

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


This past Sunday, we went to the Houston Rodeo!  We were looking for something to do while John's family was in town, and what is more Texan than a rode?!  We didn't go inside, but we spent a few hours outside walking around to see the animals (we almost saw a baby calf being born, but got antsy waiting and left), eating "rodeo food", and watching mutton' bustin'.  It was a bit hot, but a good time was had by all!

Perry wore this adorable dress from Grandma, and cowboy boots that were John's as a baby.  The boots didn't last long, but we had to get a picture!

Real men wear diaper bags as backpacks.

Then it was Peter's turn...

Perry was riding around the stroller with her legs straight up in the air.  It made me laugh.  So ladylike!

Baby girl was WIPED.

Grateful for family!  These boys keep me laughing!

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