pink vintage

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New Orleans

This past weekend, we went to New Orleans for the weekend with John's family!  One of John's college friends got married on Saturday, so we decided to make a mini vacation out of it.  We had such a great weekend (despite the heat)!  Perry was amazing the entire time and slept perfectly (which is always a source of anxiety anytime you travel with a baby, amiright?!). 

We left Thursday morning and were on the road for 7.5 hours.  Perry was having too much fun staring at Uncle Peter in the backseat to nap, so we set up this funny baracade with a blanket so that she would hopefully sleep.  It worked like a charm!  She was amazing the entire ride. 

When everyone arrived at the hotel, we went out for dinner at a place down the street.  The next day, we did some shopping on Magazine Street.  It's a 6-mile long street with shopping and restaurants the entire way, so it is a little overwhelming trying to figure out where to go.  We probably only walked up and down a half mile stretch, but managed to stop into a few cute shops!  We went out for pizza for lunch, then headed back to the hotel.  John stayed up in the room while Perry napped, and the rest of us hit up the pool.  The afternoon was spent walking around the French Quarter before heading to dinner.

On Saturday morning, John and I got beignets for breakfast while his parents watched Perry at the hotel.  Baby girl wouldn't nap, so John and I walked around with her in the French Quarter for a couple of hours in the stroller while the rest of the family went to the pool.  Then after lunch, all three of us took a 1.5 hour nap! 

The wedding that night was beautiful, and I know John enjoyed seeing his friends and catching up with them.  His parents, Perry, and I left the wedding around 8 to head back to the hotel.  Perry had a poop explosion at some point on the ride back, but was such a trooper despite that!

It was a wonderful weekend making memories with family!  Perry loved being the center of attention all weekend.  I pray that she always know how loved she is! 


  1. Perry looked so beautiful at the wedding! Looks like a fun trip!!

  2. Perry is a very blessed baby girl. 💞
