pink vintage

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Summer update

Summer has sort of come and gone.  That was quick!  I posted about a few big events that happened in June and July, like our trip to Florida and Perry's first birthday.  But we had a lot of fun in between!

We went to a wedding in Fredericksburg, while Perry had a slumber party at Mumsie and Popsie's house and went to Georgia Kate's dance recital!


We took Reid and Georgia Kate to the children's museum and Fudrucker's for our annual birthday outing!

My Great Aunt Fuffy came to visit from Midland!  Her real name is Edna Frances, and she is one of the reasons we chose Frances for Perry's middle name.  The other reason is John's grandmother, who is named Frances!

We celebrated Georgia Kate's 4th birthday party at Storybook Cottage.  GK and her friends dressed up in fancy dresses, got their nails painted, decorated cupcakes, and did a craft.  It was the cutest little party, and Perry was so excited to be included! :)

We went to Surfside for our 21st annual Preston family beach trip!  This trip is always so special to us!

We also did plenty of shopping (Perry loves Target and the grocery store), playing in the pool and with the water table outside, going on wagon rides, swinging outside, taking baths, hanging with friends and family, and trying to stay cool!

I'm a little sad to see summer go, but let's be real, we still have 2 more months of HEAT in Houston.  I'm looking forward to cooler weather, more time outside, and college football!!  Come on, fall!  Happy almost end of summer! :)

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