To quote my sister, it's not Fall in Texas until you've sweated in a pumpkin patch! Haha!
A couple of weeks ago, we went to Blessington Farms with my sister's family. I love any opportunity for Perry to spend time with her cuzzies! This was our first time to go (Brittany, Chris, and their kids go every year), and it exceeded my expectations! We swang, we slid, we jumped, we pet animals, we rode a barrel train, and we most definitely sweat. We all had a blast! This will become a new Lodde family tradition for sure!
Last week, Perry and I went to the pumpkin patch at St. Peter's UMC with Mumsie, Brittany, Reid, Georgia Kate, Rhett, Miss Dana, Alli, Ashlee and her kids, Clara and Craig. Brittany and Ashlee have been meeting at the pumpkin patch each year since Reid and Clara were born 6 years ago. It is a fun tradition that I was excited to join last year when Perry was born! We attempted to take some pictures, and then we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. Perry fell in the mud at the pumpkin independent explorer! These aren't the best pictures, but it's real life with kids. :)
HOW CUTE ARE THESE NEXT PICTURES?! These sweet cousins will (most likely) be the same year in school. I hope they always love each other this much and have each other's backs. :)
I can't resist babies in a pumpkin patch!
Loving Perry's CHEEEESE face!!! <3