pink vintage

Friday, April 13, 2018

Goodbye, Rosebay! Hello, Blue Holly!!

Last week we left our beloved Rosebay Drive for a new adventure on Blue Holly!  We officially made the move out to the 'burbs!  We are so excited to start this new chapter.  Not only will we be living in a newer, bigger house in a great family community, but we will be living 7 houses away from my sister and her fam!! :)  All of the excitement does not come without a sense of nostalgia for what we're leaving behind.  We loved our house, our neighbors, our friends, and our area.  It was John and I's first home together and the house we brought our daughter home to.  But we know this is the right choice for our family and are ready for new adventures ahead!  

Goodbye, Rosebay!

This is how 99% of the pictures looked because...toddler.

Perry's little Rosebay friends - Luke, Lexi, and Preston!

Hello, Blue Holly!!! 

We haven't done a family photo shoot in front of the house (oops)...

...but the best part is that these precious cousins can grow up together.  This picture makes me smile! :)

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