Happy 4 months to our sweet baby boy!
Weight: 15 lb. 6 oz. (48%)
Height: 26.5 in. (95%)
Head: 17 in. (90%)
So far, Lukey is turning out to be tall and thin, just like sissy and daddy!
He is just so, so precious. He has changed a LOT this month! He has found his voice, "talks" a lot more, smiles more, and has started giggling! He's really ticklish under his neck. :) He has rolled over a few times from back to tummy, and only once or twice from tummy to back. He beck and legs are getting much stronger, and he loves "standing" when we hold him. We pulled out a couple new toys this month, including the "music machine" and joovy walker. He's a fan! He is getting better at grabbing toys. He constantly chews on his hands. He started blowing raspberries and making lots of noises with his lips. See? So many new tricks and exciting changes!
His naps are getting better! He takes 3 naps, and sometimes an evening cat nap, but he's starting to outgrow that. His night sleep is getting better, I think? Hah! It's all a blur, and he's still very inconsistent. I've been feeding him once most nights, but some nights he'll wake up 3 times and go back to sleep with a paci. He eats 5 times during the day and gets a bottle every night before bed. We aren't on a perfect schedule, but our routine is definitely shaping up!
Here are a few pictures of Luke from the last month...
He's just so cute, and we are all so in love with him!!
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