pink vintage

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Baby #2 coming soon!

We are so thrilled to announce that baby #2 is coming late July!!!

We found out around Thanksgiving while John's family was staying with us, and we decided to hide it from them for the time being.  I thought for sure someone would make a comment about how I was all of a sudden not drinking wine!  We got to see our little blessing at our first appointment the second week of December. 

My mom and sister found out on our NYC trip - because my sister asked. :)  I knew it would come up at some point, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hide it!  But I was relieved that someone knew my secret!  We told the rest of my family when we celebrated our early Christmas.  We put a "Big Sister" shirt on Perry and waited for someone to see it.  We had to kind of "encourage" my dad to notice, haha!

We told John's family when we got to Wisconsin for Christmas.  We used the same trick and put the "Big Sister" shirt on Perry once we arrived at their house.  John's mom noticed right away! 

I think Perry is going to be the best big sister!  She loooooves baby dolls, and she always shows a great interest in babies whenever she sees them (I feel like more than other kids do).  But she is also used to getting ALL of the attention at home and everywhere she goes.  She has a hard time sharing her mommy and daddy with other babies/kids, so that worries me slightly.  But I'm sure that is all normal!  I really do think she's going to love having a baby brother/sister!  We are going to keep the gender a secret again (we think) ;)

We had a other ultrasound at 12 weeks because she couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler (this happened last time, too).  The baby actually looked like a baby this time, so it was really fun to see!

We can't wait to meet you on July 29th, sweet baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. We are sooooooo excited!!! I'm obsessed with all of these pics of Pear Pear and the babe!! :)
