pink vintage

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

6 things about Perry

I wanted to jot down a few cute things about Perry right now that I want to remember! 

1. She says "all wet" when she's dirty.  I think it started when we went to the park one day after it had been raining, and I told her we needed to go because she was getting "all wet".  So now she says it any time her hands or feet get dirty. :)
2. She says "yep" all the time now, usually really loudly and proudly when she answers a question.  It's adorable!
3. She LOVES her cousins, especially Rhett!  She is her silliest and loudest self when he's around, and no one makes her laugh like he does.  Those two will have so much fun together!
4. She has to have her baby doll when we read books before nap or bed, and she lays baby down on the ottoman in her room to go to sleep while she sleeps.  The first thing she does when I get her after a nap or in the morning is point to the baby and say "baby nap".  Her baby doll is by far her favorite toy.
5. She loves going places - anywhere!  We never have to argue with her to get her out of the house and get in the car.  She grabs her bappies, water cup, and walks right out!
6. She says "helpie mommy" (help me mommy) when she can't do something (which is very often throughout the day).  I can't get enough.

And here are a few pictures of her lately to round out the post!

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