Luke Robert is SIX whole months! Happy half birthday, Bubba!
Height: 27.75 in. (89%)
Weight: 16 lbs. 7 oz. (28%)
Oops, I never posted when he turned 5 months...second child problems/mom fail! So we'll just go ahead and recap the last couple of months ;)
In the last 2 months, he's had a few firsts:
- First laughs! This happened right after he turned 4 months.
- First real sicknesses: He had bronchiolitis back in December, and a worse case again in January (see previous post). Poor guy!
- First plane ride! We went to Milwaukee after Christmas.
- First teeth!! He got his two bottom teeth at around 5.5 months! They're so cute. However, teething hits this baby pretty hard! He was in a lot of pain and couldn't sleep, even with Tylenol. Perry was never bothered when she got teeth, so we were a little surprised by this.
Luke has remained a pretty happy, smiley, and content baby! When he's awake at least ;) His sleeping has regressed since getting sick the first time back in December. He wakes up several times a night and has a hard time going back to sleep. We often end up holding him to sleep for a few hours. He starts his day around 6:45-7, and he goes to sleep around 7:30. He is eating 5 times a day (about every 3 hours) and taking 3 naps a day.
He is finally rolling over both ways, although he still picks and chooses when he wants to. He's not very into it. He's more into practicing sitting up, "standing" in his joovy walker, or being held. :) He has found his feet this month and is finding his voice more and more!
A few of Luke's LOVES include:
- His sister! Perry is his favorite person. He will just stare at her and smile.
- Being thrown up in the air! This makes him laugh more than anything else.
- TV. This one is embarrassing, but when Perry is watching Daniel Tiger, he can't keep his eyes off.
- Tylenol. This one is funny too, but when we have given him Tylenol, he loves it so much.
- Chewing on everything!
- BATHTIME! He always calms down in the bath. We have recently started doing bathtime for Luke and Perry together, and he loves sitting there watching his sister.
- Bottles. Nursing is still going well, but he loooooooves his bottles.
These are just a few random pictures of our sweet Luke from the last couple months:
We love you so much, Lukey! You are the sweetest baby boy in the world!!
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