This post is all about our precious babies at 4.5 and 2.5! I hope I remember how sweet phase of life is. Our babies love us, need us, and want to be with us all the time. I love seeing their different personalities shine. It's so much fun!
LUKE ROBERT is two and a half! He can be very determined and focused, is generous and good at sharing, and is just sweet sweet sweet. We love him so much! Here is a little about Luke at 2.5.
- He started soccer this month! This is right up his alley. We were eager to get him started with a sport (because, shocker, he is still very much into sports), and soccer is really the only sport you can start so young. He is very focused during class and listens to the coach. It's fun to watch him in his element!
- He is snuggly, and we're ALL ABOUT IT! This is something that his sister wasn't/isn't, so it's fun to have a baby who loves to snuggle.
- He loves when I sing to him before bed right now. He lets me hold him like a baby, he snuggles his little head up against me, and we sing. I sing him mostly "real songs" (not just necessarily lullabies). His favorites are Favorite Things and Edelweiss from The Sound of Music, Sing by Ellie Holcomb (he sings along to this one and it makes me heart melt), and Once Upon a Time (this is my favorite lullaby to sing to him, and I first heard it on Nick Lackey's lullaby CD, haha). It's my most favorite time with my son, rocking and singing before bed.
- He will play pretend baseball with himself all the time. He will throw up an imaginary ball, hit it with an imaginary bat, run the bases, and slide. It's so funny!
- He still loves Little Gym! He loves running, jumping, climbing, and playing with the balls. And since he's not in school, it gives him a chance to play with other kids his age.
- He is such a good sleeper. He sleeps from about 8:30pm-8am and takes a 2-3 hour nap without fighting us. He still uses a sleep sack and is still in his crib. He recently figured out how to unzip his sleep sack and climb out of his crib, but he only does it when we come get him in the morning. It's funny to think that at his age, we potty trained Perry and moved her to a big girl bed. Not happening anytime soon with Luke!
- Some cute things he says: *"Sorry!" - all the time, if he falls, bumps into something, if someone else knocks him down, if someone drops something, etc. *"Last night" - everything that has happened in the past is "last night". It's so cute.
- Some of his favorite things: sports, baseball, eating two bites of his meals and being full, doing everything his sister does, bappies, snacks, sugar, lollipops and candycanes, Daniel Tiger, changing his clothes all day, Popsie
Our sweetest Perry Frances is 4 1/2, and she'll let you know it, too! She was very into the halves this year ;) I hope we always remember how precious she is right now. Here are a few tid-bits about Perry Frances at this magical age of FOUR!
- She wants to be a dance teacher when she grows up, or a professional ballerina.
- She puts on shows, dances, performances almost every single night. And the audience must sit quietly in our seats and watch ;) She is quite musical and has rhythm!
- She's still crafty and loves art! Her teachers said "the art center is her favorite place to be" at school. Our kitchen island pretty much has a corner dedicated to art supplies that never get put away because she's constantly crafting.
- She loves playing with her baby dolls, and she makes the best little mommy.
- She has been taking swim lessons since September and has made so much progress! She can make it all the way across the pool by herself, going from swimming to floating. We're so proud of her and are excited to put what she's learned to good use once it warms up a little!
- She eats her meals one food at a time and will always complete one item before moving onto the next.
- She comes in our room every single night. We keep an air mattress on the floor next to our bed. So now she just goes potty, lays down on her air mattress, and falls back asleep. We don't mind that she comes in because she doesn't wake us up and she's just growing up so fast!
Some of her favorite things: school, dancing, acting like Luke is her baby, drawing pictures, sausage, fruit, babies, Rhett and Georgia Kate, dolls and Barbies, performing, Los Cucos, wearing dresses
Love your precious babies so much. 💞