pink vintage

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

10 months of Luke!

Luke is 10 months (and a couple weeks)!  I took the pictures on time, but never got around to posting.  This will probably be short and sweet...

Luke is the BEST.  Period.  

He is so happy and easy!  He loves mommy and likes to be held the most. :)  He is pretty content playing alone in the playroom while I pay attention to big sister.  He gets into everyyyyyyything, so the playroom is a safe place where he can roam and get into whatever he wants!  We usually play in the downstairs playroom, but the upstairs playroom might be his favorite place in the house!

He has 8 teeth and is working on more.  He grinds his teeth like crazy and makes funny shapes with his lips when he's getting new teeth.  

He is climbing and pulling up on everything, which is the biggest change from month nine.  One night I was cooking dinner and heard sounds from upstairs.  He had climbed ALL THE WAY up the stairs by himself (major mom fail leaving the gate open) and was just hanging out!  

Current favorite foods include yogurt, watermelon and basically any other fruit, Mexican food (haha! we usually give him rice, beans, and meat from our meals and he looooves it), meat, pouches, sweet potatoes, avocado, and green beans.  He will pretty much eat whatever we give him.

He's a great sleeper!  He usually goes to bed around 7:30/7:45 and sleeps until 6:45.  He takes two great naps most days, around 9:15 and 1:45.  Dare I say we are in an "easy stage" right now, and I'm loving it!  Since he's older, his schedule is a lot more flexible, making it easier to do things!

Happy 10 months to our precious Luke Robert!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he's 10 months!! We love babyluke SO much!!
