pink vintage

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Day in the Life...

I've never done one of these, so I thought it would be fun!  Here is a random Tuesday in our life with an almost 3-year-old, and a 10.5 month old...

Luke woke up at 6:30.  He usually wakes anywhere between 6:30-7.  I nursed him in his rocker.

We went into my bathroom so I could start the process of getting ready for the day.  He found some things in the lower cabinets to keep himself occupied for a good 10 minutes.

We watched a few minutes of the Today Show, and then Perry woke up at 7:15.

We played in her room for a little bit, then came to the kitchen for breakfast.  Peanut butter toast, strawberries, and yogurt for Miss P.  Peanut butter toast, cantaloupe, and yogurt for Lukey.

After breakfast, we usually play for an hour before Luke takes his first nap.  We played about a half hour in the downstairs playroom and a half hour in the upstairs playroom.  Mostly playtime involves trying to keep "Buppy" away from getting Perry's "art projects" and making sure Luke doesn't hurt himself. ;)

Naptime for Luke!  I put him down a little after 9, but normally he's closer to 9:30.  Perry gets to watch tv while I put Luke down, finish getting ready for the day, and get some things done around the house.  Today I did dishes, put on makeup, and did some packing for our upcoming trip to Florida.

Usually we get out of the house after Luke's morning nap (run an errand, playdate, etc.), and today Perry had swim lessons!  I had to wake Luke up from his nap a little after 10 so we could get there on time.  Perry loves swim class!  Luke had a bottle and played while we watched sister swim. 

After swim, I decided to check out ALDI (kind of a discount grocery store), and I wasn't too impressed.  Glad I went so I know not to go back.  I thought it was more of a Trader Joes, but no.

We got home around 12, and I started prepping lunch.  Perry had a hot dog and fruit.  Luke had some chicken meatballs, peaches, and avocado.  I forgot to take lunch pictures.  After lunch, we played in the playroom for a while, then Perry watched a show before naptime at 1:30.  Perry would normally go down around 1, and Luke closer to 2, but I prefer to push both of their naps and overlap. ;)  Perry is hit or miss with naps these days.  I'm very afraid we are nearing the end of naptime.  While the kids napped, I had lunch (chips and guacamole and a bagged salad), pumped, and watched an episode of Riverdale!

I had high hopes to get some laundry done too, but Luke woke up super cranky from his nap at 2:30, which is a solid hour earlier than normal!  I spent the next 30 minutes walking around with him and trying to make him happy.  Then he had a bottle.

Perry woke up at 3.  Regardless of whether she's awake or not, we always get her up at 3 because otherwise her bedtime is dreadful!  We read books and played in Luke's room until about 3:30.  Perry did an "art project" until about 3:45.

Then we decided to go on a walk!  We got home about 4:45.

John got home from work about 5:10.  I went to the postal store to drop off a package and to pick up some ice cream for John and me to have after the kids went to bed. :)  I cooked dinner while John played with the kids, we ate dinner, we did baths, and we played some more.  No pictures of any of that - the most chaotic time of day!  We got the kids jammied up for bedtime!

John almost always puts Luke to sleep at night.  They went into Luke's room for a bottle and bed around 7:20.

Perry watched a show while I straightened up the house.  I took Perry to her room at 7:55, read her some books, and she went to bed!  She likes to lay in her sleeping bag while she watches her nightly show.

At 8:30, I pumped and worked on this blog. :)  John did laundry and dishes.  

It is now 9:00.  John and I just got our ice cream and are about to watch an episode of West Wing!  We're so sad to be almost done with WW - only 3 episodes left of the entire series.  It's so good.  And I have a hard time separating it from reality sometimes.  I keep thinking President Bartlet is our actual president!  Hah!

I am guessing we'll be in bed sometime between 10 and 10:30!  Cheers to an ordinary and exhausting day that makes me so thankful for my little family!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love these posts!! You are the best mommy!! Perry and Luke are so lucky!
