pink vintage

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

May recap

Here's a little bit of what we were up to in May...

I went to my first Mother's Day Tea at Perry's preschool :)

I attended a weekly bible study called MYC (Mothers of Young Children) during the last school year, and I really enjoyed my small group!  Our group got dinner together every other month, and this was our last dinner at our mentor mom Melissa's house.

We spent some time with Annie (aka "Nana").  We love having her back in Houston!

I had a very happy Mother's Day with the fam!

Perry and Rhett had their spring program at school!  They did great!

We had the Boudreauxs over to play and grill out!

Perry had her last day of the 2's class!  She had such a wonderful year in the Monkey Class, and we adored her teachers, Mrs. Frida and Mrs. Melissa!

I went to Sedona, AZ for my friend Amy's bachelorette party!  I had a wonderful time, and it was nice to have a couple of days where I only worried about myself. ;)  But I missed my babies SO!  John had a great weekend with them, and Perry got to have a slumber party with Mumsie and Popsie one night!

We celebrated Memorial Day by swimming at my parents (daddy left that day for a work trip).

We went swimming with cousins!

Summer is already off to a great start!

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